Swiss Sciences Nutrition Advice

The effects of processed food on our health will be covered here with some Swiss Sciences’ nutrition advice.
The diet of an organism can be defined as what that organism eats. Dietitians are health professionals who specialize in human nutrition. These people are trained to provide dietary advice and management. Swiss Sciences nutrition is one of the researchers of dietary advice and management.
Unprocessed Foods
Eating fresh, whole, unprocessed foods in a wide variety has been shown to be preferable to processed foods.
A study documented in National Geographic Magazine in 2005 attempts to determine why the people of certain population groups tend to live longer than others. This article mentions 3 distinct groups of people who live very long life spans while suffering just a fraction of the diseases that kill people throughout most of the world. It comes down to about three things these people tend to eat that are responsible for their long life spans and exceptional health. The Sardinians, the Okinawans, and the Adventists eat low-calorie diets that consist mainly of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Whole plant foods slow your body’s digestive processes. It will allow for better absorption of nutrients and will provide a balance of essential nutrients. This will result in better cell growth management, maintenance, and cell division. Lower blood sugar levels and better regulation of your appetite will also result. Its also better to eat regularly scheduled meals instead of infrequent meals. Swiss Sciences nutrition advocates such an approach to nutrition.
Avoid Processed Foods
Human beings had been evolving as omnivorous hunter-gatherers over the past 250,000 years. For early humans, diet depended on their location and climate. For people in more tropical regions, their diet tended to be based more heavily on plant foods. People in higher latitudes usually survived on a diet with more animal products.
The development of Agriculture occurred around 10,000 years ago. This development provided humans with grains such as wheat, rice, potatoes, corn, and staples such as bread and pasta. The development of a farming culture provided milk and dairy products, and greatly increased the availability of meats and vegetables.
This started to change around 200 years ago during the Industrial Revolution. New technologies that allow food to remain fresher for longer periods of time before spoiling were invented and the food processing industry was born. These new technologies have also changed the natural way food appears in nature.
One of the main processes used which allows food to stay fresh for longer periods of time is pasteurization. It also greatly alters the nutritional content of the food, though. The safety of many foods has been increased as a result of pasteurization and the possibility of bacterial infection has decreased, however, there are some bad consequences to this process.
Lifestyle diseases and diseases related to obesity are increasing throughout the world. The increasing application of these food processing technologies has been a great contributor to this development. Processed foods are cheaper to produce and much easier to store – they simply last longer. Nutrition-related health problems have gone way up all around the world as an effect of these cheaper and longer-lasting foods.
Swiss Sciences Nutrition creates some of the highest quality nutrition products in the world. With almost all our products Swiss Sciences nutrition supplies written materials and books providing the consumer with the added benefit of educational material to help them be more successful in their fight for healthy weight loss.
Swiss Sciences Nutrition offices are located in Clearwater, FL, US.
Come visit the Swiss Sciences Nutrition blog for health and nutrition advice. Written materials and books are available providing educational material to help you become more successful as you strive for healthy weight loss
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