
Some Difference Ideas For Exercise & Fitness

Exercise And Fitness
Are you looking to get rock-hard abs? The process is a difficult one, but for those who are motivated, it works! Imagine finally having that look that you always wanted. It always seems like a far-away dream that could never be achieved. But, with a little perseverance, it can be yours.

The first thing, you must know is to forget about getting abs quick ideas. Remember those commercials about the little devices you simply place on your stomach and they create abs for you. Do they send little electric vibrations and pulses through your stomach that helps you create abs? Well, this is just one of many examples of devices that are supposed to give you those results.

If you really want to get those rock-hard abs of your dreams then you must truly work for it. One of the most useful ways of doing this is by getting your own trainer. If you have your own trainer he will walk you through the right process of working out. He will show you the right movements and help you with any flaws in your routine you might have. Otherwise, without a trainer, these things could be difficult to point out alone.

Once you have your own trainer usually at a gym or at least a good friend who knows these things, you need to start thinking about the right proteins to take. Many proteins shake truly do work if you are looking to build weight and muscle mass. However, if you are just trying to get slim and fit then you will most likely just want to watch what you are eating and take limited amounts of protein.

These are all things that a trainer can do to get you rock-hard abs. These are just a few of the most important steps on your journey toward the body of your dreams. Remember, it is not too distant if you have time and perseverance. If a problematic celebrity can do It then so can you. Now get out there and get working!

Health and fitness can be a very beneficial subjects in your daily life. At you will find important information to help you stay fit and energetic. Learn the ins and outs and receive the benefits of a fit body.

Golf Exercises

These exercises are those that specifically target the muscles used during the club’s swing. Golfers can improve their swings in various ways by incorporating exercises into a workout routine.

Exercises help in lengthening the backswing, improving rotation, strengthening wrists and forearms and the muscles of the core. When adding a new exercise to your routine, always go slow and pay attention to form.

Consult a physician before beginning any new exercise routine, especially if you have health concerns. Fitness tubing is the stretchy workout material that you can attach to a door, for example, and work out using the resistance provided by the bands.

It is great for golf exercises because you set up and pull on the tubing in a way that mimics the motions of the club’s swing. Another motion is the backswing drill with the dumbbell. This is a strength-training drill that has the golfer moving a dumbbell through the motion of the club swing, using the lead hand.

A good weight shift is important in the club’s swing. One way to help improve your weight shift is to work on strengthening your hip abductor muscles.

This can lead to a much better hip rotation during the swing. Similar to the Backswing Drill with Dumbbell, the stationary swing with a medicine ball uses the resistance provided by a heavy object to build up the muscles involved in the club’s swing.

The core rotational muscles are the main muscles that need to be strengthened if the goal is to add swing speed and distance. The Downward Wood Chop targets those muscles.

If you like working out with a medicine ball, the rotational lunge with a medicine ball is another option. This golf exercise is a “functional training” one that works the entire body.

The lower back is an area of concern for many golfers. Strengthening it is a great way to guard against injury.

“Openers” is a stretch for the lower back that can help with flexibility and strength in that area. Alternating arm and length extension is another option for working on strengthening the lower back and adding flexibility.

The “Golf Wrist-Cock Exercise” targets, of course, the wrists, and the wrists play important roles in the swing. The wrist is responsible for controlling the club through impact and adding power.

The straight leg rotational hamstring stretch doesn’t just work the hamstrings; it also targets the lower back and the mid-section, or core. The term “golf stretching” refers to stretches and stretching routines that specifically benefit golfers.

When adding any new stretches or exercises, go slow and pay attention to form. Consult your physician before initiating any new workout regimen.

Use a golf club for the twisting lunge club, which can be done at the course, on the driving range, or at home. It stretches the hip flexors, quads, and core rotational muscles.

Standing twist with the club is such a simple golf stretching maneuver that there is no reason you cannot start doing it right now before teeing off.

You’ll need a fitness ball for the spine to stretch over the fitness ball. This can help your upper back and lead to improved golf posture.

Alternating Arm and Leg Extensions stretch out all four limbs. The straight leg rotational hamstring stretch targets the hamstrings, but also does a good job on the lower back and helps the golfer with his or her core flexibility, too.

Spending a lot of time on the practice of putting green often leads to a sore back, which is why golfers should practice stretches to make putting practice easier. This group of stretches is designed for the golfer to use during putting practice, to keep the lower back, hips, and neck all feeling fine.

The “rotators” hamstring golf stretching exercise deals with stretching out those hamstrings. The backswing stretch with the club is a stretch you can do before you tee off – or even a few times during play – to help keep your backswing fluid.

Exercise Ball Exercises

The Exercise ball is one of the best and most unique fitness tools that is out there today. It is also one of the least utilized pieces of equipment. Aquilino Cosani, an Italian engineer, first manufactured the ball to be a toy back in 1963. It wasn’t until a physical therapist, Mary Quinton, utilized the ball for children with neurological disorders. The exercise ball did not make it to the US until 1970 and it seems that the general public is just starting to get aware of its benefits.

What makes the Exercise ball so effective is that it forces the user to use many stabilizing muscles to balance while performing the exercise. This means that more muscle fibers are firing, you are burning more calories and because of the position that you are usually in, it puts a lot of emphasis on your core (rectus abdominis, lower back, transverse abdominis, internal and external oblique’s.) And everyone seems to want to have tight abs.

The reason why I wanted to write this article was for one of two reasons. To hopefully motivate to try the exercise ball the next time at the gym or to try an exercise on the stability besides crunches. That is what I meant when I previously stated that this was one of the least utilized pieces of equipment at the gym. The exercise ball happens to be one most dynamic pieces of equipment that give you a huge range of exercise options.

One example would be a basic squat. Position the exercise ball between your lower back and the wall. Move your feet out about 8 to 12 inches. When you squat you want three 90 degree angles. These 90 angels are at your hips, knees, and ankles. Your shins and upper body are to be perpendicular and your thighs parallel with the ground.

If this sounds too easy add dumbbells for weight. If adding dumbbell weight is still too easy, extend one leg out and perform single-leg squats. There are few people that I know who have leg strength for this exercise.

A pushup is another exercise that which there are multiple options that can be performed with an exercise ball. You can perform this exercise with your hands on the exercise ball and feet on the ground. The added difficulty would be to place your feet on a bench and keep your hands on the exercise ball.

You can also place your hands on the ground and feet or knees on the exercise ball. To add difficulty you can try diamond push-ups or traveling push-ups. Traveling push-ups is where you move side to side while performing the push-up. You start by doing a normal push-up and then at the top, move the left hand to the right. The right hand then goes out further to the right. You would perform another push-up and move back to the left by moving your right hand to the left and then the left further to the left.

These are just two small examples. There are many, many more. I would like to invite you to do some further investigation on this and try a few of the exercises out. There are thousands of examples out there. The benefits will be a stronger core, possibly quicker weight loss, and make your body more functional and less prone to injury.

If you would like more information on the exercise ball or fitness-related material please visit If weight loss is a goal and you are interested in getting those tight abs, exercise is only half the battle. You need a diet plan to achieve your goal. may have the answers for you.

Chair Fitness

Stretching is something we can do just about anywhere, anytime.

Start your day, end your day, or get away from your day with some good stretching.

If you’re looking to mix up your routines a little, though, grab a chair!  And the chair isn’t just for sitting, so don’t get comfortable.

Check out these chair friendly stretches:

Ballet Stretch – I picture myself in a pink leotard and tutu at a ballet studio, music soft in the background, and me warming up for my solo.  There’s just something whimsical about this stretch, but don’t worry, you don’t have to be a ballerina to get something out of it!

* Stand several feet from a chair.
* Rest your leg on the chair, keeping your base leg perpendicular to the floor.
* Rest your left hand on your hip.
* Keeping a long neck and shoulder down, stretch your right arm up and over a full side stretch.
* Focus on lengthening your right side.
* Hold 15-30 seconds.  Repeat on the opposite side.

Standing Hamstring Stretch – Throughout my gymnastics career, I had many hamstring injuries.  Most could have been prevented by paying a little more attention to when and how long I was stretching.  Most importantly, when stretching, proceed slowly and do not bounce.

Slowly lift your right leg onto a chair.
Hold onto a wall or other sturdy object to help with balance.
Slowly lean forward until you feel the stretch, keeping a straight back.
If you like, reach forward with your hands but do not put pressure on your knee.
Hold 15-30 seconds.  Repeat on another side.

Seated Hip Opener – Be patient with this stretch.  Many of us forget to stretch our hips and they may be quite stiff.  It’s also perfect for that gluteus maximus!

Begin sitting up tall in the chair.
Place your left ankle on your right knee.
With your back straight, bend forward from your hips until you feel the stretch.
Hold 15-30 seconds.  Repeat on another side.

TIP:  So, whether you’re at home trying to get a few minutes away from the kids or at the office trying to get away from your co-workers, remember these stretches this week and give them a try.  Chairs aren’t just for sitting anymore!  

The mission of Shannon Miller Lifestyle is to inform, educate and inspire women to lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Through books, DVDs, motivational speaking, a weekly call-in radio show, and the website, Shannon focuses on opening the lines of communication and reminding women that it is okay to ask questions, demand answers, support each other and have fun along the way.

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