How to Fix a Cold Radiator
If you have been having issues with your radiator and have noticed that certain areas aren’t heating up, there are a few things that you can look at before calling out an expert that could end up costing you a lot of money.
Calling out a plumber or heating expert for something that can be easily fixed is not only expensive, but can be frustrating and inconvenient if you need to take time off work to meet their appointment, so having a few basic skills can be a useful skill to have.
Remember, if you are unsure about any of these tips get an expert to help you or you could end up making a costly mistake. We will try to keep these tips as simple as possible though, so no matter your level of skill you should find that you are able to complete some of them.
Bleed Your Radiator
There are a number of great online guides to help walk you through bleeding a radiator so whether you are looking to catch up on some old skills or are a complete beginner you should find the help you need.
If you find that your radiator has cold patches it could be that there is a build-up of air, and bleeding your radiator will ensure that the hot water can reach every part of the radiator.
To bleed your radiator you will need to open the valves at the bottom, and it is also worth pointing out that you may want to take precautions for any drips so you don’t ruin any flooring beneath the radiator.
You will then need to attach the bleed or vent key which can be picked up very cheaply at your local DIY store. When turning you should hear a hiss as the air escapes and you should re-screw the vent when water begins to escape.
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Check Your Valves
One of the more simple tasks you can perform to ensure the healthy running of your heating system and radiators is to make sure the valves are open. The valves control the water flow through your radiators so this can be an easy fix for certain issues.
Has a Flow Diverter Been Fitted
This is more a tip for when you are having your radiators installed as it is quite common for flow diverters to be missed during installation.
Balancing Your Heating System
It could be that you need to balance your heating system and ensure all of your radiators have their water flow adjusted to run at equal temperatures. Some of the things to look out for if you think you might need to have your heating system balanced are cold spots on your radiators, your radiators making noise, and generally failing to heat properly.
Of course, some of these vary in difficulty but having some idea of what the problem is will definitely make it easier for you to solve.